Rotter dam 5-7 oktober 2023   AE-PCOS  årliga konferens.

 jag fick tillfället att delata under 3 intesiva konfrensdagar till sammans med  ca 180 personer.   me d förskar inom PCOS från hela värlswn och  representanter

från patient organisationer. Ett stort ämne var de nya  internationella gudidelindes som nyligen  pulicerades.  och frågställningar  som behöver  utforskas vidare.

Dear ,


We would like to invite you to participate in the 2023 AEPCOS Annual Meeting, to be held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands from the afternoon of October 5th through October 7th.


An invitation letter is attached that outlines a session that we are inviting you to present at. The letter also includes information regarding reimbursement for flights, accomodation and meeting registration.


A preliminary programme is attached. Please note that some details may change in the final programme.


We hope to hear from you soon.  It would be appreciated if you could let us know if you are able to accept our invitation within 2 weeks. Thank you for considering our invitation.  Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. 





Dr Anju Joham, MBBS, PhD                                      Prof Joop Laven, MD, PhD

Annual Meeting Program Chair                                  President AE-PCOS Society

Preliminary findings suggest obesity may be tied to the development of PCOS

med Ricardo Azziz
